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Provider of 'Sustainable Working Practices' using Virtual Office strategies, with Cloud Performance
How to Pay?
For Server Web Hosting Packages - using secure PayPal ecommerce facilities.
Publicity of Partner Services
Section available soon.......
Welcome to Netgreen ASP
What is inside our Web Site

Welcome to the NetGreen ASP, the Applications Service Provider that develops sustainable solutions.
To initiate our services we are focusing on Solutions and Applications, whilst continuing our development of our own IP Technology, that can be used as future Products and Services.
Our Initial Service is to provide Web Hosting and information to allow anybody to generate a top quality presence on the Net.
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We have decided to become a Microsoft Partner, to provide our clients with tools and skills to generate 'Virtual Office' tools and strategies. A Sustainable method of Working
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We have reduced the prices of our Web Site Hosting packages PLUS increased the capacities of the Storage and Bandwidth.
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We provide guidance on what tools and methods required to generate a fantastic Web Site or improve on an existing one.
Plus they are low cost Solutions...
We provide a source of Innovative Sustainable Products, that are related to technology. Some of our Partners give good discounts on their Prices.
Keep up to date with our program of Solution development. Once sufficiently tested they will be upgraded to our Services and Product pages.
As an Application Service Provider (ASP) we like to provide links to other worth while Applications that are already available....even though they are not our own.
Server Capacity Deals (Web Hosting) |
Standard- Package.
100MB space, 1GB bandwidth, 30 E-mail accounts, 5 MySQL Databases, Front Page Exts, C-Panel Control
£2.50/€2.80 per month
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Smart Package.
500MB space, 6GB bandwidth, 30 E-mail accounts, 5 SQL Databases, Front Page Exts, C-Panel Control
£6/€6.90 per month
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